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Are Your Corrective Actions Really Fixing Your Problems?

Duration : 60 Minutes

This course, has been approved for 1 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).

James Loud,

Mr. Loud is a safety consultant over 40 years of safety and management experience includes 15 years with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) where he served as the supervisor of Safety and Loss Control for a large commercial nuclear facility and later as manager of the corporate nuclear safety oversight body for all three of Read more

Many highly successful companies actively look for trouble and are pleased when they find it.  These companies know that you can’t improve if you don’t know what to improve.  They establish various work feedback loops, encourage their managers to observe work in progress and reward their workers for pointing out problems and opportunities for improvement.  These companies don’t feel threatened by bad news but embrace it as an opportunity to learn and improve before incidents occur.

Proactively identifying potential problems, in addition to audits, inspections, incident investigations and regulatory issues, can for many companies generate hundreds, in some cases thousands, of corrective actions yearly.  Keeping track of these actions is only part of the challenge.  To ensure identified problems get fixed, and stay fixed, you need an effective corrective action management system that goes beyond “stack and track.”  In addition to merely tracking actions, an effective corrective management system must also assure that actions are properly assigned, prioritized, address root causes, and are properly closed.  Lack of an effective system can cost companies their credibility, demotivate their workforce and result in additional, and often repeat, incidents due to uncorrected problems.

Course Objectives:

• Understand the importance of seeking out, finding and fixing potential safety problems before they lead to incidents.

• Identify effective methods for proactively seeking out safety problems and opportunities for improvement.

• Ensuring that corrective actions address root causes rather than symptoms.

• Understand the importance of a single database for action tracking.

• Learn the importance of, and methods for, action prioritization.

• How to identify and communicate lessons learned from identified problems to the entire organization.

• Learn how to ensure corrective actions were effective before closure.

Why You Should Attend:

Finding and fixing problems is fundamentally important to continuous safety improvement and is also essential for avoiding repeat incidents and regulatory non-compliances.  Identifying problems and opportunities for improvement is just a first step, however.  Effective systems are necessary to ensure corrective actions result in sustainable fixes and improvement.  Failure to do so is not just a missed opportunity but can also put you at risk for more serious and repeat incidents as well as regulatory violations – not to mention a loss of organizational credibility..  This webinar is designed to provide the tools needed to avoid those pitfalls.

Course Outline:

• The importance of proactively looking for opportunities for improvement as well as time-tested methods to find those opportunities.

• Common problems often associated with corrective management systems such as redundant tracking systems, misassigned actions and lack of effective follow-up.

• Getting to root causes vs. symptoms.

• The importance of and the methods for assigning priorities (e.g., high, medium, low) to corrective actions.

• Identifying and communicating lessons learned for generic issues that apply company wide.  

• Effectiveness reviews to ensure that high-priority actions actually resulted in sustainable fixes.

• How to engage managers and workers in the corrective management process.

What You Get:

• All slides and graphics from the presentation.

• Links to additional information.

• Live Q&A with the session presenter.

• Opportunity for follow-up with the presenter via e-mail.

Who Will Benefit:

• Safety and Health professionals

• Regulatory compliance personnel

• Line management

• Employee Safety Committee members and union representatives.

Please reach us at 1-888-844-8963 for any further assistance or if you wish to register


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Subject : Are Your Corrective Actions Really Fixing Your Problems?

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