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Technical Writing in an Industrial Environment

Duration : 60 Minutes

Robert Peoples,

After obtaining a B.S. and an M.S. in Chemistry from Tuskegee University, Robert Peoples joined the pharmaceutical industry as a Research Chemist with a concentration in analytical chemistry at Wyeth/Lederle. While at Wyeth/Lederle Robert was primarily responsible for the analysis of the Active Ph Read more

The webinar will describe a process to create quality documents from a blank screen in a timely manner. The process is logical and easily understood. The process describes the location and collection of important information. The process describes how to organize the information collected into a document. The webinar also addresses how to write the document and address comments received from reviewers and approvers.

Course Objectives:

• Provide guidance to new Technical Writers in an industrial environment.
• Assist highly technical personnel to improve their writing skills.
• Learn how to document and defend individual work done in any industrial organization.
• Learn how to follow in-house practices and procedures to produce professional quality written presentations.

Why Should You Attend:

Scientists, engineers, IT personnel and statisticians among other highly technical specialists may find writing documents in an industrial environment to be a challenge. You should attend this webinar because everyone will have to provide written presentations at some point during their careers. This webinar will provide an overview of the process to create documents in an industrial environment. Learn techniques to communicate contributions and ideas developed to stakeholders.

Course Outline:

• How to begin the process
• How to collect information and determine what information is required
• How to identify and receive contributions from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
• How to write the document
• How to appreciate and address comments from reviewers/approvers
• How to negotiate when disagreements arise between reviewers/approvers
• How to incorporate comments into the final document
• How to obtain comments in accordance with required timelines
• Final approval of the document

What You Get:

• Training Materials
• Live Q&A Session with our Expert
• Participation Certificate
• Access to Signup Community (Optional)
• Reward Points

Who Will Benefit:

• Scientists, engineers, and technicians in research and development
• Quality assurance (QA)
• Information technology (IT)
• Manufacturing
• Other operations professionals
• Administrative staff that must prepare documentation in support of R&D and operations activities
• Anyone who wants an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the structure of the language and writing within the broad range of reporting that the industry requires

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Subject : Technical Writing in an Industrial Environment

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