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Dress Codes Appearance and the Workplace

Duration : 60 Minutes

This course, has been approved for 1 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).

Bob Churilla,

Bob Churilla is a partner and conflict management and organizational development firm, Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG). In addition, Bob is a Visiting Professor at a private university. Bob has worked with the United Stat Read more

Policies on dress codes and employee appearance have generally been left to the discretion of employers and management. There are advantages for organizations to have a dress code so a certain image is projected. Organizational culture may play a role in developing a dress code that is appealing to employees, customers and clients.

More and more though, the workplace has become more diverse and as a result, other factors must be taken into consideration such as an employee's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and disability. In addition, safety in the workplace must be considered in setting dress code policies. Other issues such as tattoos, body piercings, and hair styles must be addressed when dealing with contemporary employees.

Why Should You Attend?

Dress codes and appearance present sensitive issues for management when dealing with employees. By attending this training, attendees will learn how to develop policies that enhance the organization's reputation while complying with equal opportunity laws and safety requirements of the workplace.

Due to the increasing diversity in the workplace, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and disability have to be factored into dress code policy decisions. In addition, there are also positive reasons for dress code policies. These include professionalism, reputation as an organization, and the creation of a team spirit.

The employer also wants to create a work environment that fosters productivity for its employees. This webinar will train those responsible for dress and appearance codes on how to develop policies that comply with legal requirements, consider employee preferences, develop enforcement standards and reasonably accommodate protected classes of employees.

What You Get:

• Training Materials

• Live Q&A Session with our Expert

• Participation Certificate

• Access to Signup Community (Optional)

• Reward Points

Who Will Benefit?

• Human Resource Managers

• Office Managers

• General Managers

• Sales Managers

• Customer Service Managers

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Subject : Dress Codes Appearance and the Workplace

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