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Creating Pay Structures - Fundamentals of Compensation

07-August-2024 :01:00 PM EDT Duration : 90 Minutes

This course, has been approved for 1.5 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).

Bob Verchota, MHA, SPHR,

Bob Verchota is the owner and senior consultant for RPVerchota & Associates, a consulting firm providing services to clients who seek to align their business and employees, creating successful outcomes and excellent work environments. After 30+ years in Human Resources senior leadership roles Read more

There may be one thing in organizational life no HR or Payroll department wants to get wrong, that is the paycheck of any employee!  This webinar does not address payroll processing. It does address how your compensation system is built on a philosophy, designed to achieve specific results from the perspective of recruiting, retaining, and engaging the workforce.  Variation in approaches with different job groupings or classifications is possible and even desirable. And how do you keep up to date on your “Pay” package?  We will address these and other topics in the webinar.

Course Objectives:

Do you have complaints about the compensation system, from staff, managers, leadership, HR?  Where are the issues coming from and why?  Or are you looking for options to make your compensation system more aligned with the market, technology, the environment?  This webinar can help you sort through the questions and develop a plan of action for addressing your most critical questions.  Why you pay employees what you do and how could be different and lead to improvement in organizational performance.

Course Outline:

• Defining the philosophy/philosophies of your compensation system
• The link to performance management
• Environment scans and adjustments
• Defining market competitive pay
• Total compensation defined
• Variable pay options
• Assessing and auditing your current system
• Challenges of alignment
• Roles of managers, employees and HR in the compensation system
• COLA vs. P4P
• Forms/Tools/Communications
• Merit Matrix Models

What You Get:

• Training Materials
• Live Q&A Session with our Expert
• Participation Certificate
• Access to Signup Community (Optional)
• Reward Points

Who Will Benefit:

• HR Professionals
• Payroll Professionals
• Human Resources
• Accounting Personnel
• Business Owners
• Lawmakers
• Employee Benefit Professionals
• Supervisors
• Managers
• Controllers
• Planning & Budgeting Professionals
• All positions involved in personnel or payroll administration and the supervision of personnel

Please reach us at 1-888-844-8963 for any further assistance or if you wish to register


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Subject : Creating Pay Structures - Fundamentals of Compensation

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